Monday, December 23, 2019
Causes And Effects Of World War II - 1370 Words
Causes and Effects of World War II World War II has been considered one of the worst things to ever occur in history. Violence, death and aggression took place in the 1930s and 1940s in certain European nations. German leader, Hitler played an important, yet a very big role during this time. With the rise and domination of fascism in Germany and Italy, the goal was to maintain peace, established by the Treaty of Versailles ended up in major disaster. World War II began with the poor economic conditions in Europe after World War I and the confrontation of clashing forms of governments and in the end it brought about positive and negative changes of the world. World War II began on September 1st, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland; this invasion led to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, The Great Depression, and the Holocaust. World War II began when Germany invaded Poland when Hitler tried convincing Britain and France that the invasion was a defensive act by bringing living space for the Germans but Britain and France was not convinced. â€Å"Hitler gave orders for the Poland invasion to begin on August 26, but on August 25 he delayed the attack when he learned that Britain had signed a new treaty with Poland, promising military support should it be attacked.†(â€Å"Germans Invade Poland.†) World War II had gotten more than 50 countries to be a part of the Allies who were against the Axis. These countries were led by Great Britain, The Soviet Union, France, China and TheShow MoreRelatedThe Cause And Effects Of The World War II1291 Words  | 6 PagesAn Pham Mr. Grosse World History Research Paper February 10, 2017 The Cause and Effects of the World War II The world has changed since that day, September 1, 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, the start of World War 2. 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